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Diane Johnson 

, WI

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, WI

, WI 

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Certified by a professional coach training school
Master's degree
Professional Certified Coach


I am a Board Certified Health, Wellness & Life Coach, Dietitian/Nutritionist & Diabetes Educator with over 20 years of experience specializing in health & wellness, diabetes, mindfulness, intuitive eating, sleep health and resiliency training.

I believe that you are the expert of your life. Sometimes you may get stuck in an aspect of your life and need support to help you move forward. That’s where coaching comes in. As a coach I bring a high level of empathy, support, and accountability to my clients - and a healthy dose of humor too! Clients describe my coaching style as supportive, approachable, empathetic, light-hearted, practical, creative, and motivating. 

I am passionate about helping you find your own version of health, wellness, and purpose in life. With a light-hearted coaching style my primary goal is to meet you where you are throughout the coaching journey, and to guide you in moving forward with the goals that are most important to you. My work is influenced by Brené Brown, Dr. Amy Johnson, Kristen Neff, BJ Fogg and Michael Neill. My life and coaching practices have been most transformed by the Health at Every Size Movement, Weight Neutral Approach to Diabetes Care, The Three Principles, Intuitive eating, and mindfulness practices.


Things I am most grateful for in my life are my connection to nature, the love and loyalty of my dog & spouse, and the feeling of the wind in my face on a bicycle! One of my proudest accomplishments has been learning a new language and leaving my "normal" life behind to have a four-year South American adventure of a lifetime!


Certified Diabetes Care and Education Specialist (CDCES)

Licensed/Registered Dietitian Nutritionist (RDN, LDN) USA States of FL, GA, WI

National Board-Certified Health & Wellness Coach (NBC-HWC)

Certified Lifestyle Medicine Coach, American College of Lifestyle Medicine

Professional Certified Coach (PCC), International Coaching Federation

Certified Sleep Science Coach (CSSC), Spencer Institute

Master’s degree of Nutrition

Bachelor’s degree of Social Work